BLK BOX Glute Ham Developer (GHD)
Perfect for glute raises, crunches and back extensions, the BLK BOX Glute Ham Developer (GHD) is the most comprehensive piece of equipment for midline stabilisation and the strengthening of the posterior chain. The GHD also offers one of the safest ways to train your spinal erectors, with GHD sit-ups also offering one of the most complete abdominal exercises to your training.
Its compact design makes it the perfect option for facilities where space is of a premium, but despite its modest size the BLK BOX GHD has been thoroughly designed to remain steady and stable, allowing athletes to deliver peak power output. The addition of wheels also allows the GHD to be moved around your training facility with ease and precision. Furthermore, the durable and high strength footplate allows all athletes to ground their feet before, during and after any exercise.
The BLK BOX GHD is easily adjusted using the pull pin mechanism offering 11 different increments with 40mm inch spacing. An additional locking pin also offers and additional level of security. The pads are made from a high-density foam, ideal for comfort and stability, and are coated in an abrasion and sweat resistant vinyl leather. Weight plates can easily be stored on the zinced weight pin below, allowing athletes to quickly add resistance to their training. Also included are two band pegs at the front of the station, allowing athletes to perform banded back extensions or glute raises. Spotting handles also allow for self spotting and stability when in use.
Check out our blog post here explaining the benefits of the GHD and top 3 movements to perform on it.