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Check out our handy list to make sure you have everything you need this year.

1. Barbells

Looking to invest in your own barbell? Or maybe it's time for an upgrade? Check out our wide range and pick the one that will help you perform at your very best.


2. Plates

You'll need plates for that new barbell! From bumpers to competition plates, there's a perfect set for your needs.

3. Dumbbells

Make sure you have all the weights you need. To smash all the workouts this year, you'll need a 10kg, 15kg, 22.5kg, and 32.5kg. Missing any? Check out our collection and grab the ones you need.

4. Kettlebells

A brand new addition to the kit list this year. And definitely essential to up your workouts this year! Check your lifting the right amounts: 16 kg, 24 kg, and 32 kg.


5. Medicine Balls

You will need 4kg, 6kg and 9kg medicine balls for the different movements required this year, such as wall balls, box step-ups, and Russian twists.

6. Plyo Box

Don't have one? Check out our collection of wood, anti-slip and soft plyo boxes and pick the perfect one for you.

plyo box

7. Gymnastic Rings

Make sure you have the equipment to perform movements such as ring dips, muscle-ups, and ring rows

8. Jump Ropes

A good quality jump rope is essential for double unders and other jumping exercises.

9. Pull-Up Bar

A pull-up bar is essential for movements such as pull-ups, toes-to-bars, and muscle-ups

pull up bar

Make sure you have all the equipment you need to crush the Open this year!



1. A comfy gym 'fit'

To perform at your best, it helps to look your best! With our new range of apparel, you'll do just that. Mix and match colours or go for a sleek one-tone look and ace this years open in style!

2. Mobility kit

Stay flexible and minimise inflammation with mobility kit. These are simple but effective tools that can help you improve your flexibility and reduce muscle soreness and inflammation. By rolling and stretching out the muscles, you can help to release tension and improve blood flow to the area, which can speed up recovery time and reduce pain. Perfect to help keep you at the top of your game for the Open!

3. Hand grips

During the Open, exercises such as Pull-ups, Toes-to-bars, and Muscle-ups are common and can put a lot of stress on your grip strength. Hand grips are a great accessory to have in your arsenal to prolong your grip strength and help you to perform better in these exercises. Using hand grips will help you to avoid rips or tears and enable you to hold on longer and push through more reps. Whether you're trying to improve your pull-up numbers or perfect your muscle-up technique, a good pair of hand grips can make a big difference in your performance.

4. Wrist straps

Wrist pain can be a hindrance during high-rep exercises. Our wrist wraps offer the support your wrists need for exercises like pressing, jerking, cleaning, overhead squatting, and handstand push-ups during the Open.

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