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Quay Fitness Studio, Belfast

Quay Fitness Studio is a Belfast based premium, semi-private training facility with a unique approach to fitness. Having previously owned a CrossFit gym for 6 years, head coach Tomasz was very familiar with, and impressed the high quality of BLK BOX products. Having used equipment around for years, he was very surprised that there was very little wear and tear in the BLK BOX products and found that other brand’s equipment needed replaced after only 1-2 years.

Based right in the city centre of Belfast, Tomasz wanted to create something that highlighted all of the great things to come from within Northern Ireland, which is one of the reasons why he chose BLK BOX to help him create his dream facility. It was also important to him, to support local, so with BLK BOX HQ just less than 2 miles down the road it was the perfect match.

The training style in Quay Fitness Studio is based on small group training sessions with the inclusive community aspect of a CrossFit gym. With only 4-5 clients per session, every member gets the attention they need to become the fittest and healthiest they can. Quay Fitness Studio want to teach their members to use their own body, build strong joints and develop great movement patterns themselves, without relying on machines to do it for them. With this in mind, the gym was designed to feature a large, bright and airy open-plan studio kitted out from top to bottom with BLK BOX equipment. From the eye-catching blue turf on the ground to the towering Goliath wall mounted rigs and climbing ropes, BLK BOX have provided equipment to make this gym an exceptional area to get fit, strong and healthy.

The new Belfast gym will offer an unrivalled fitness facility in terms of functional equipment, prime city centre location and a personalised and focused approach to fitness. One of the core values in BLK BOX is ‘Made in Belfast’ and the athletes coming out of Quay Fitness Studio are the perfect example of this.


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