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Evolve - 'The gym for people who don’t gym’

Evolve Health & Performance is an independently owned semi-private facility focused on delivering a premium service that’s member centric and results focused.

‘Evolve’ couldn’t be a more fitting name for this business model. Since conception in 2017 the team have constantly been reinvesting and reinventing. Our relationship with Aaron, Founder and Head Coach at Evolve, started back in 2017 in a pre-fabricated shed at Aarons family home. Doubling in size Aaron then moved into their existing location which has seen 3 different BLK BOX revamps, but never straying from the overall vision – high standards, results, and a world class customer service.

Evolve 2019

Building relationships that last

Working closely with our Business Development Manager Connor Gough, who was a member of our install team at the time of Aarons first gym, the relationship has blossomed into what it is today. Focusing on the ‘day-to-day everyday athletes’ Evolve has over 150 members now, and growing.

Evolve 2021

Our initial brief for this latest revamp was to expand Aaron's existing free-standing Goliath Rig which was previously located in the centre of the facility. Our solution for this was to push the rack to the wall of the facility, adding built-in storage which opened up much more floor space, allowing Aaron and the team to create a better environment for their members. We also gave it that unique feel with custom branded turf and brand plates – giving it that sense of ‘ours’.

Working together Connor and Aaron came up with a new design and concept for V.3 Evolve, that quickly went through our manufacturing process at our HQ in Belfast.

" We threw Aaron a curve ball and offered a solution that would maximise space, foot flow and session efficiency. We created an equipment bundle and each bundle is identical and stored at each pod. This package created a swiss army training tool for the coaching staff, perfect for facilitating Small Group Personal Training", said Connor Gough, Business Development Manager at BLK BOX.

“We understand how to take our people from point A to point B and progress them toward their goals. It sounds extremely straightforward but when you see how fitness is typically done the experience is quite the opposite and results certainly either don’t happen or most importantly don’t last”.

“Our goal is to leave this amazing industry a better place than we found it, through empowering others and leading from the front with our extra mile attitude” said Coach and Owner, Aaron McClelland.

This is an unbelievable training environment, offering world class coaching, and 5* customer service, we’re proud to be part of the journey with the team at Evolve.

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