+3 Bundle Builder

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    29 products

    +3 Bundle Builder

    We have given you the flexibility to create your own BLK BOX bundle. Add 3+ of any variation of products contained within this collection to receive an additional 10% off at checkout. You can choose x3 of the same product or mix and match the products within the collection to receive your discount. Happy BLK BOX Bundle Building!

    Gym Rigs

    Suitable for professional and home gym set-ups, BLK BOX’s rigs are designed to withstand even the most intense training programmes. Whether you’re a beginner, athlete or personal trainer, the gym rigs can be customised to suit your needs. Choose from a wide range of models across the Blackout, Goliath and Samson series.

    All BLK BOX gym rigs come with J-Hooks. This makes them ideal for a variety of exercises, which include squatting, benching, bar muscle-ups, pull-ups and gymnastics. Thanks to their high-quality build and advanced structural engineering, the rigs offer a premium level of performance.

    Gym Rigs for Home Gyms

    Perfect for home gyms,  garage gyms and personal training studios the Blackoutand Goliath series rigs help you to save space without compromising on the intensity of your workout. Wall Mounted Rigs especially can help to free up floor space.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Will this fit in my home gym?

    Yes the dimensions are....

    Is it suitable for outdoors

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